oh ok can you please please keep us updated most people say it take around 3-4 months to see results from anti-candida diet so be patient! and also no cheating!!!! LOL i just ordered the calendula ointment so should get it in a week or two as im feed up with bephtanaon and havent really seen much relief from it.... yeah the white stuff i get it both on the top and lower lips only in the inside part it hurts and is so annoying!!!! iv been eating one or two pieces of fuit per week to try keep my Sugar levels up a little bit but i might drop it down to 1 piece a week now i just find when i avoid Sugar my weight drops ridiculous amounts and being a tall thin guy alreay it sucks!!! also you should definately get some good probiotics during the anti candida treatment! check out syntol there really good at killing yest and fungus i take atm ultra probiotic ibs... its gone 3 strains of good bacteria and over 50 billion in it! the white stuff is what i need to get rid of!!!