From peeling to healing
Hey guys,
Okay I have been visiting this forum for about 5 months now. I've had ec for about 7 months now. It is absolutely horrible and has not necessarily ruined, but made life harder to live. Okay its ruined my life lol. Dropped out of school, stayed in the house didnt want to go anywhere where people could see me and if I did go out it was at night so the darkness would protect me. I am african american so the ec would stick out more. My lips were WHITE or red all the time. It would start off white after the lips piled on dead skin and then I would peel them and the top would remain white but the bottom would look inflamed and red. I also had cracked corners which was the worst, then I started breaking out because of all of this. Ok now to the healing.
I tried everything from apple cider vinegar, aquaphor, cortisone,and more that I don't even remember. I went to the doctor multiple times and he said I was a perfectly healthy 19 year old but I kept telling him obviously something is wrong but he just wouldnt listen and calling me crazy and gave me lexapro, an anti-anxiety/depressant. WTF. But I digress.
The healing only recently started about 2 weeks ago. I got a vitamin B complex which seemed to speed up the peeling so it was peeling every night or even more frequently. Then I got probiotics because I suspected a candida infection, which my doc also denied. But I started taking those and I started to look somewhat normal again. I then got Hylands calendula ointment which completely has stopped the peeling. My lips dont peel in the shower or even in the morning. I still do get the white line underneath my lip, but its only been 5 days ive been using the ointment. I plan on using it for about 2 1/2 weeks. But it is certainly the most promising thing Ive used so far. I still have the cracked corners but they are not as bad as before. I will keep you guys posted if you want.