The parasite cleanse will make you feel bad because you are applying pressure to the parasite(s). Do not give up. Complete the course. I have struggled with arthritic like symptoms and I keep going. I had to have a pacemaker put in. I am on natural thyroid medicine (Naturethroid) and I keep going. If no parasite(s) comes out then you have done what needs to be done because you do not know what parasite(S) you have. If not those for that treatment then you go on to something else. It is almost always easier than trying to get the VAST Majority of doctors to help you because they are consumed in their dollars to take care of their family. They want to see more people and it takes lots of times for them to deal with us and parasites, bacterial overgrowth, and candida which most do not believe even exist in our gut. Stray strong my friend. Take good digestive enzymes if you are not already. Check Essential oils and do different treatments everyday to keep the gremlins confused. If not then they just sidestep the medicines you are using. Although, treatments that have proven themselves like the Clarks, Krogers stick with those by all means. However, supplements should change daily.