Re: looking for things that might help as my newly discovered breast cancer is fast growing
The first thing that you should know about chemo is that it is very profitable to the medical industry and for that reason some are keeping their fingers on the scales to make it look more successful.
The truth is that you have a better chance of surviving for 6 years if you do not do chemo or radiation. This is why they use 5 years as a mile point for survival. Also, what they do not tell about chemo is that in reality what it shows is if you are strong enough to survive the chemo and complete it, then you are most likely strong enough to survive the cancer too. What they do not tell you about is the hidden statistic. Those who take 1,2, or 3 rounds of chemo but have to stop because it makes them too sick. They almost always die very quickly and tragically but they are left out of the statistics "because they did not finish the chemo". If they included these hidden casualties, then the true statistics would tell you never to do chemo.
Radiation is much the same.
The worst thing that you can do if you may have cancer is to get a biopsy. This is a major cause of metastasis. The body and the immune system normally walls off the aberrant cancer cells to keep it from spreading. Mashing the tumor ( as in a mammogram ) or puncturing it as in a biopsy, WILL almost always let the cancerous cells escape and spread.
Oncologists know this, how could they not. They are forced by insurance companies to do the biopsies and mammograms as well. The insurance companies would rather put at risk than to pay for removing a non-cancerous tumor. Most insurance companies have massive investment in the mammogram industry so every mammogram is profit to them.
The truth is that modern thermography is far better at spotting cancer, especially
Breast Cancer but due to their investments in mammography, most of the insurance companies will not accept thermography as a cancer diagnostic.
My suggestions is keeping the
Sugar levels low, keep insulin levels low, cleanse your body thoroughly, including a
parasite cleanse. Reduce inflammation, including taking a baby aspirin a couple of times a day, also bromelain is an anti-inflamatory as is curcumin. There is a very long list of things that help and you can look back over past curezone discussions.
BTW, my sister is a M.D. who has IBC and has refused traditional chemo and other medical treatment. She has participated in a couple of studies with some newer therapies. She is still fighting.
My suggestions: Be active, live hard and enjoy the life you have whether it be long or short. It is always too short to waste time on worrying. Tell your kids they they need to look beyond the hype offered by the failed medical system that we have today. It is pure barbarism to drink poison and hope that it kills the cancer before it kills us.
Some of the greatest gifts are a sunny day on the beach and the fresh mountain air. Make and follow a bucket list that is long enough to last you for the next 50 or 60 years.