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Ok to take FIRST dose at night?
SleeplessNJ Views: 4,241
Published: 11 y

Ok to take FIRST dose at night?

I'm new to humaworm. This will be my first time taking it. I have chronic late stage Lyme disease, candida, bartonella, babesia along with a heart problem from Lyme disease.
I've been constipated out of nowhere the past few months, periods have become totally irregular the last year, started seeing string like things in my bowels and I would bet anything I'm loaded with parasites. I've been so sick that I thought it couldn't hurt to try this after reading amazing reviews and little to no negative ones.
It does make me nervous to do this without a dr consent being so sick, but it doesn't seem like it could hurt me.
So I'm anxious to start.
I take probiodics which I'll stop while on humaworm, magnesium, vitamin c, benedryl to sleep and norco (Vicodin/Tylenol mix) for the pain I'm constantly in.

Can I take my first dose at night? Or should I wait until morning? Anything anyone thinks I should know before starting?
I'm completely freaked out!



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