Re: fungi - diabetes connection?
Thanks, T2T; I always something to learn from your posts.
"In their refutation of the theory of autoimmunity Kaufman and Holland[11] explain that in Type 1 diabetes it is entirely plausible that invading fungi have altered beta cells, remained undetected, yet set off the body’s immune defense system, which is unable to destroy the offending fungi allowing them to continue to invade other beta cells and progressively lead to total destruction and a complete lack of insulin. The extremely manipulative ways that fungi work to ensure their own food supply is highly characteristic of their nature.
A recent Japanese study suggests that fungal
mold toxins have the ability to signal the beta cells
in the pancreas to shut them off by killing them.12
A.V. Constantini, MD, former head of the WHO Collaborating Center for Mycotoxins in Food has spent 20 years studying and collecting data on the role fungi and mycotoxins play in devastating diseases. In his research he found a number of fungi that demonstrate specific toxicity to the pancreas."
Another reason for taking my beloved boron.. as it is one of the few remedies that can handle mycotoxins.