Be as healthy as you can be. Exercise regularly, eat a restricted diet. It's great to hear you've cleaned your diet up a bit. Try going on an elimination diet, cut out all processed foods and foods that are common allergens/hard to digest for a few months (I would take a multivitamin during this time to make sure you don't become deficient in anything due to a nonvaried diet). Try taking the supplements colostrum and l-glutamine. I've heard that they can help heal your gut (don't expect immediate results with these though). Many people that I've heard of who got their odor under control (especially those with leaky gut) said that changing their diet was key to their success. You could also try cleansing your colon with Glycolax (I've heard a few success stories with that- Glycolax and Miralax in particular for some reason, they send water through the walls of the intestine unlike some other colon cleansers which just flush you out, apparently). Keep in mind that diet won't give you immediate results, but you will likely progress over time (could be months and months, but many people do see improvement as they heal). Best of luck! :)