Ifound this forum after I started experience M.S like symptoms and my husband came across a link of IUDs and ms like symptoms. I have 17 sypmtoms of ms. I have a lot of numbness and tingling in both legs as well as arms , my legs feel like jello, I have muscle spasms, feel dizzy, cant focus, problems walking, I have tremors, weakness, eye discomfort, depression, fatigue and those are just the main symptoms. I am going to get my IUD taken out asap, but I am wondering, does anyone have or know of any findings that the IUD / silicone poisoning causes actual Multiple sclerosis? I am scared and hoping that all these will go away eventually after mine is removed but some of your posts makes me think that it may have caused it. I cannot seem to find any evidence saying it can cause it but I am not sure what to think! help!