Re: Iodine History: Io-eyes
Mr.HV was an awesome Troll! He jumped into our
Iodine Thread & posted the most negative & vile links he could find to prove that
Iodine was a POISON, a severe health risk, and a major cause of health problems and anything else he could find on the internet that was against iodine. I suspected that he was paid by the drug companies to bust up our
Iodine thread, and he succeeded. The last I heard, Mr. HV allegedly started an Anti-Iodine Web site.
Within a few weeks, he had quickly taken over the entire Marks Daily Apple web site with his extreme negativism, posting messages day & night. He had even sent the remaining Trolls cringing, establishing himself as the King of Trolls. Oh, and he had a terrible grudge against GRZ here at the Curezone! I didn't know he had his own Forum here at the CZ. Is it still here, or was it deleted? MDA eventually deleted him & every message he posted.
Mr. HV is a shining example of the AMAZING work you are doing for us here in this forum. Trolls can quickly destroy a well meaning forum.
We LOVE you!