Re: What Are Sugar Snakes Anyway
Threader I believe you and that they are conducting energy, or do they generate it? If they aren't then are they getting(stealing) their energy from us?
Could it be that the "goo" forms both ways?
I don't know about these fibers. Here's where I wish I was smarter! But now they seem to be in every nook and cranny of our existance. Do they break things down or reinforce? Kinda like "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger"?
whenwillitend you made me remember that I found some of the filament "snakes" in cobwebs on the high ceiling of my garage! That was an out of the way place to find them, so their spore/eggs must be in the air? Or they vector spiders? I've been looking for the folder the images are in but can't find them now.
In the beginning I saw one in the swimming pool. I went to get it out and it swam! Kept watching it because it was so small I couldn't even believe it!. That was before I got a microscope or started photographing everything... But found the closest references might have been either "horse hair" or "gordian knot" worms. Now I don't think it's either one of those though...