Re: CS Did Not Prevent or Help With Flu
Firstly, it's not the so called 'CS' you are making, it's a predominantly Ionic silver solution. People need to understand the difference between what constitutes a 'colloidal' product and what constitutes a predominantly Ionic product, of which is what they make in the kitchen using LVDC.
You won't be making a colloidal product using LVDC in your kitchen! Study up on what literature states constitutes a 'colloidal' preparation.
Secondly, don't p_iss about with those inconsequential doses, get a full glass down in the morning and another at night, and repeat the next day if necessary, and perhaps the following day as well, have a mouthful occasionally during the day as well if you want.
Being a predominantly Ionic solution it won't hurt you, it passes through the bodies elimination channels rather rapidly. If it's clear or yellow, not a problem, if it's any darker or past the yellow phase in colour all bets are off.
Hit it hard and fast!