in life one has to learn to be thankful and serve from there with glorious giving and that is true love but people fake that thankful and thus give evil as if good and that is indeed something from the destroyer the beast and not Jesus. so do you what to understand the truth so that you would love Jesus, your lord Or indeed your God? do you want to know from your very self to know God and to love him indeed? the answer yes. you like but is it yes indeed in you? do you real love God? I know it in other this truth and what is going on without fear blinding seeing is beautiful to know the truth for you will see it in faces and in every thing for all is belong to him. his creation. but do you want to see that way or your way, then you have to see it and not wait for other to make you see it. very hard to find good men like Him total, always love to give you, my friend even if you ask it. there is something mysterious about said in the bible and that is when many people agree on something that something become truth, do you know about this? it is incredible and I think it is true. do you know that? it is something very serious of God. but we do not agree so much about anything, why? I love to use your clear mind and your Love from God.