Is this a hole spirit as well? this unconditional love?
I would like to write of this subject a lot. but to understand it you must help yourself for this is from the source within you all and that you see with your happy eyes looking and witness the truth that you do not make yourself at all and thus spare me from my death to explain it before I live it, well then my reward would in hereafter. thank you human.
why do we not love others without condition? without evil thought first? I love animal then why not persons,the mask or carnival or comedies or foolery? I think we are forced to ignore the reality of what is behind the face which is either sad or angry or false smiling to hide readily, ( devil in us loving the sin for the appearance we pretend and show off to love) the state of the body and soul, for the sake of the things we ask for in spite of what is good directly good to the body. if it is a spirit of God that creates a happy body and so I would feel that on other i am filled with joy and I am seeing that from the real eye of a mind, God mind, as I look at my beloved dogs or any animals or nature, and why not people, real love. you people are never interested in this happy health body full of Godly things and so you receive this unhappiness evil spirit in you just by avoiding this true need which you are sad or angry reflecting on the poor man in your source of that spirit which is not good; for, you deny the see the truth as God sees it, the true joy of life in you now, or that joy of life as you dream that your happiness is in the future and not now. but now if you look at faces you see the truth and deny it for the evil spirit that makes that reality behind that mask for the sake playing the fool or sad or outrageous for thing that you steal for real life, your happiness. all our false relationship is base on this ability to lie to that very happiness in the body and very vital for life and the spirit that comes from God, and not from the devils who want you to have evil things in spite of all that creation of your God in your body, his body, you must remember you own nothing in the universe; for life is you not you are life. so to whom you are listening and understanding? and you are really Loving? that feed God spirit to your true body behind what you want real to see.
we are not happy with others for this evil ideas of things that we want to hide the real self and life in it. I had this problem mostly with my mother and wives and others wives and mothers all people mostly, for this reason one can not be in peace with God for you man are in conflict and to what you chose, you think is your free will, hah. and they or you chose this conditional love thus evil spirit and you want rewards, for what, to destroy your selves and have to live separate as the last chance but then it is too late for such disease is incurable. So I thank doc for the idea of unconditional love, to know the truth which is my past and to understand how evil those who controlled and still, us those who force you against that happy body and unconditional love. I would like to tell you my experience about this truth and thanks you you doc for I thought again and again and sow the truth, that was indeed a good respond from you. but I think you must awake that that wisdom if you want to be really happy and healthy and away from that carnival every day, men today are very evil all they think is how to destroy vitality, very foolish indeed, they love self-slow suicide, and when it comes it is too late to know it for you would know that you are under others control who do not give a damn care about how yellow or red or sick you are and who do not care if they have evil spirit that do not see the truth. please try to understand as much as possible of what I am trying to say for you are more innocent and a child of God then others I have known, in this matter of reality. why do we want to have a holy spirit, to show off? so what is the truth to you? to you all. but thanks to doc. so jesus said come to my and find rest. where would one look at? you holy people and you who want to be so?