I've noticed a decline in my health. I was told maybe Depression and mental health is coming out through digestive problems. Mirena has made me very unhappy as a person and I can't control it. Anywho, I started getting constipated and having a lot of gas and bloating in lowed abdomen, lasted for a week. Started throwing up guess food couldn't get out through the bottom. Then I started having horrible pain when I breath and laugh under my ribs on the RIGHT side. I had to go to ER, they thought gallbladder disease, test showed no stones detected but they still said I may need it removed. My dr didn't think I was a candidate for even having gallbladder disease. Luckily I didn't after a ultrasound proved no stones or sludge, thankfully. Still had pain. No fat, butter, or fried food diet now. Got tested for h pylori though so waiting for the results. Still on mirena planning on getting it removed, I pray the symptoms go away but reading your post let me know don't plan on it.