Re: Dreams of Flying
I woke up to another flying dream today. I went through a phase when I had the same flying dream over & over. I was flying in Tibet over gardens- flying like superman, zooming everywhere & loving the beautiful gardens below me. But I always had to stay behind trees & mountains so the big flying monster behind me would not catch me. It was great & scary at the same time. Honestly- I had this dream over & over for several years. I was nearing the end of a marriage & I think that was part of the message.
Today a new flying dream. I was exiting a shopping mall & see someone that is coming after me, So I fly upward & get on top of the parking garage nearby & land quickly & safely, Then, quickly, I am able to go to a different side of the building from my pursuer. I find my way down a side ladder & then I'm on the ground level of the parking garage and flee into the mall, & get lost into the crowd- safely, mixing in with all the mall shoppers. I was sort of frightened, but then I knew I would be safe from danger once I was inside the mall.
I feel like am a at a really good place in my life, but I am trying to move up the ladder in my career. Not sure, what it all means.
Open to any ideas if anyone wants to give me feedback.