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Okay Im seriously getting pissed now
anonny Views: 2,302
Published: 11 y

Okay Im seriously getting pissed now

My diet has been phenomenal, I work out 5x a week, I've completely controlled all sweating on my body. I don't sweat in public. I wear deodorant and body spray but STILL.
people say I smell "like pussy". What the f***?
somebody sitting across a classroom told me, "dude I can smell you from here! and you smell like pussy" and a few people laughed and exchanged nervous glances. I just ditched all of my classes after that, I have no idea what to do. I'm just purely angry. How the f*** could I have a smell that strong? I was feeling good because I hardly had any bad reactions all day but holy shit did that f*** my day up.


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