The False Light of "Spiritual (Liar)-archy" of the "corrupt demiurge": These are some of the terms describing the beings who are bent on using Humanity to feed off its energies and keep them enslaved.
Are we aware of whom and to what we give our consent to use our spiritual, mental and physical energies?
The "corrupt demiurge" and its dark and false light agenda have been engulfing Humanity in a web of deceit since eons. It managed to have us accept the idea of the "Slave-mind" and most of us are still fast asleep, willingly accepting a life in the state of "slave-think".
What a fantastic talk between George Kavassilas and Cameron Day! They warn us about the hierarchies of beings -the "best Liars" in our Universe- and offer great solutions for those who are ready to clear their energies to be free and sovereign -it is our organic, natural state.
george kavassilas
Superwoo Radio
Cameron Day