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Re Success Requires the Following
mysogood1031 Views: 2,532
Published: 11 y
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Re Success Requires the Following

Hi Holistic! Thank you for the inspiring message. I've been HIV+ for about 16 years, and just got off the meds last year. I am taking some aggressive (healing) action, and even started a blog here to track my progress and hopefully be a valuable source of information for anyone else who decides to tread this road. I have not been able to find one person (yet) who can tell me that they believe that they actually had the HIV virus (ie had the textbook symptoms) and now test negative and have great health, WITHOUT the use of pharmaceuticals. I want to be that person, whether or not I meet anyone else like me.
Anyway - it's nice to see a recent post regarding the topic, and I hope to bring it to the forefront again. Let's stay in touch!


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