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How a news anchor dealt with psoriasis

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How a news anchor dealt with psoriasis

"Stuff I did not eat: Sugar, coffee, tea, soda, red meat (except for lamb), shellfish, oranges (I had very little citrus at all), "hot" spices, pumpkin, onions, garlic, tomato, mushrooms, eggplant, peppers, chili, paprika, cheese, white rice, white flour, bread, eggs, butter, cookies, chocolate, alcohol, tobacco, cranberries, blueberries, plums, strawberries, cream, lentils, peas, white potatoes, yeast.

Stuff I could eat: Brown rice or wild rice, plain chicken or lamb, honey, apple, melon, banana, leafy green salads (no dressing), plain low-fat yogurt, celery, spinach, broccoli, corn, sweet potato, pear, papaya, apricot, grilled fish, turkey, wholegrain muffin or bagel, bran, almonds, low-fat milk, wholegrain pasta. Loads of water.

Breakfast: Lemon in hot water, high fiber cereals/bran and milk, papaya, low fat yogurt, chamomile tea, occasional eggs.

Lunch and dinner: Stir-fry vegetables (celery, carrots, French beans, corn, cabbage, broccoli) in one desert spoon of olive oil along with fresh herbs, like basil, rosemary, oregano and fresh coriander, salt and pepper to taste. Chopped nuts. Apricots, honey;

Grilled lamb with salt, pepper and honey -- white sauce over it, (made with wholewheat flour, milk and seasoning).

Plain grilled chicken with olive oil, salt and pepper plus honey; fresh chicken soup; grilled turkey breast; roasted duck (white meat only); wholegrain pasta in white sauce; grilled fish (trout or sole or mackerel); vegetable lasagna.

All foods served with leafy green salads and with vegetable sides such as asparagus with low fat margarine, steamed cauliflower with beans, broccoli and carrots, corn or sweet potato.

Sweet tooth: Baked bananas, stewed apple or pear, plain low fat yogurt with fruit, pomegranate, dates, cantaloupe, fruit salad, whole grain, apricots and prunes.

Drinks: Diluted apple juice, melon juice, low fat milk, and water.

Munchies: Carrots, salad, pear, apple, avocado, sunflower seeds, Barvita biscuits, snack bars that are oatmeal (no preservatives or coloring or flavoring).

Vitamins: B12, CoQ10, Folic acid, Zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamin D

Exercise: I worked out for at least 1-2 hours a day.

Steam: I drank two liters of cooled American yellow saffron tea while sweating in the steam room for at least 30-60 minutes a day.

I would go in and out repeatedly so-as not to overheat. I would rest and eat bananas afterwards (which contain potassium).

This worked for me back then and put me in remission for about 10 years, where I could eat anything I wanted and live completely normally.

I have suffered recently from significant flare-ups that are stress induced (need to handle stress better ...). I needed a "quick fix" and first was on Enbrel injections, then Methotrexate and now Humira, a biologic drug, which is currently helping.

There is clearly a place for medication like this in healing, but my experience with diet forces me to believe that is a longer term, side effect-free solution."


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