Re: MS, iodine deficiency, thyroid related?
This was just a start, as
Iodine alone can do a little but not all, in all these diseases of today.
My father had Parkinson, and I saw the symptoms develop year by year, and I was not allowed to help.
I saw the symptoms of deficiency in all our
Iodine protocol, co supplements.
Like magnesium deficiency; all the cramps / rigidity etc.
This is also the part of the symptoms of MS, Parkinson.
Then I know that MS is connected to vit D deficiency as well, and mostly everyone I know with hypo Thyroid confirmed by a doctor, also has a low vit D.
then a connection thyroid-gut-low vit d
Then back to magnesium. Taking alot of vit D supplements increase the uptake of calcium, which is an antigonist to magnesium. Without the magnesium the calcium may really add to the problems of MS, the rigidity etc. (calcium contract the muscles, magnesium relaxes them)
Still on the starting point, as MS and other degenerative illnesses are not fixed with one mineral.
It is IMO, a chain of events.
Edit; yep, this thread started by Wombat is an excellent read;