Re: Natural Cures for Chronic Bronchitis
These directions are for the next 30 days, until she is 100% healed
The first sting first, she should quit eating:
-sugar and anything with
Sugar added or corn syrup added
-corn syrup and anything with corn syrup added
-dextrose and anything with dextrose added
-margarin and anything with margarin in it
-soy lecithin and anything with soy lecithin in it
-flour and anything with flour in it
table salt
Until she is some better she may benefir from eliminating ---all grains from her diet (rice, wheat, corn, barley, rai, )
She should not consume any fried foods, it will irritate lugs
She should not consume any nuts until healed, nuts can irritate lungs.
What sweet should she eat?
The only sweet taste in her diet should be from fresh fruit or fresh vegetable.
Shat can she eat?
Home made from scratch:
- freshly pressed or juiced vegatable and fruit juices
- cooked vegetable
- some fish prepared from scratch
- some meat prepared from scratch
- some eggs occasionaly, soft boiled
- unrefined
Sea Salt
That is it. It is like paleo diet or stone age diet.
It is not eactly fast, but it is extremely restrictive diet compared to all the
Sugar and flour she must have been eatng until she got sick.
Deep cause of Chronic Bronchitis is;
- bad air
- poor diet ( sugar, flour, fried foods, industrially processed foods, margarin, (white flour,
White Sugar , white salt, white fet ...) ...)
It could help if she could move to some place with clean air (close to ocean or high mountain )