I got a PM from a young male suffering from Body Odor .
Can we help him?
" My searches have led me to this website and i made an account strictly to message you. I'm currently age 16 (17 in a few weeks) Anyways at the age of 13 my scalp started emanating a terrible sour odor that would persist and get worse throughout the day..it would start maybe half an hour after getting out of the shower. i've been teased and bullied for this very reason throughout my entire high school education and it has made my life seemingly impossible. Without ever getting to the root of the cause after countless over the counter remedies and prescribed shampoos/lotions from Derms nothing has changed. I've been on 16 drops of %2 LugolsIodine with accompanied vitamins since November and just today switched over to 8 drops of the 5% formula. I read that this in a lot lower dosages helped your son get rid of his Body Odor ? (including a scalp odor) and really what my question is, is how long exactly did it take for you to notice a difference in the odor? because so far not much has changed for me but i understand this is a long process..and i'm just looking to get through this as soon as possible to move on with my education and life. Thank you if you take the time to read this."