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Can someone help me diagnose what I have? Doctor not helping!
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Published: 11 y

Can someone help me diagnose what I have? Doctor not helping!

Hello. I am 18 years old and female, 5"3 and 95lbs and recently came down with the following symptoms that have persisted over 3 weeks now.
-Watery Diarhea
-Stomach spasms/fluttering
-Random muscle/joint pains/soreness in different parts of my body (wrists/back/shoulder/even jaw)
-Stomach upset
-Stomach pain in all areas
-Weight loss
-Loss of appetite (More like I dont want to eat because I'm afraid it will hurt me)
-Fast Heart rate for no reason
-Heart/chest pain (dull pain)
-Burning sensation inside stomach
-Really foul smelling 'mushy' poop
-Navel pain
-Gas = Flatulance and burping.

I did not travel outside the USA, or visit tropical areas or anything. I rarely eat meat and when I do it's always fully cooked. I don't typically go out to dinner either, etc. I have no clue how or where I could have been infected.

I got a stool sample tested and it was not bacterial/virus so it must be a parasite. My doctor said Giardia sounded like what I had, and ordered me to do some stool samples I havent done yet.

I took Paragone for 3 days but it caused my Diarrhea to get worse so I had to stop.
I've also been inspecting my poop and been really freaked out when I see rice/seed looking things (However, I have been eating rice…and grains that include seeds, so it is confusing me even more) but nothing that looks anything like Tapeworm segments I see online and nothing moving.

Does anyone know if this sounds like Tapeworms? It's freaking me out because if I have them I'd like to know so I can treat them. Is there any specific sensation that people with Tapeworm experience? I don't have the 'hard belly' but my stomach has ALWAYS been somewhat distended looking (I always assume it was belly fat)

I'd like to think it is just Giardia because Tapeworm isn't THAT common around these parts and it seems more likely, but looking on this forum has left me confused and unsure, and disgusted. I mainly want to rid myself of any and all parasites.

Thank you so much to anyone who replies to this It is so important I can't describe it.


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