This is absurd. There is not one bit of evidence, let alone proof, of any of these assertions. They're completely wacked. 12 strand DNA, and oh, it's not physical DNA, but some other kind? Oh, and this kind of DNA also has junk DNA? There is no such thing as "junk DNA" by the way --- because we're not using it or don't know what it's doing there does not remotely mean that it's junk. That concept is a product of American science's reductio ad absurdum way of viewing the world. Since I'd bet money you do not share this view of things, it's amusing that you would go ahead and borrow their junk DNA concept. As if nature makes mistakes and we all just carry around this useless DNA? No. Nature is not wasteful that way -- if something isn't used, it goes away.
...and now angels? Oh brother. No wonder the symptoms of "indigo" match the symptoms of borderline personality disorder, almost to a T: this is craziness.