Indigos carry a specific gene code. What scientist call "junk DNA" is non functioning DNA caused by the eletro magnetic damage that has been done to this solar system/galaxy by those that brought you the black hole in the center of Sagittarius A. DNA is manipulated by eletro magnetics and radiation. Indigos have some of that "junk DNA" turned on. The original Angelic human template was 12 strand DNA. Indigos carry 24-48 strand DNA templates. The race lines on this planet are now down to 3 strands plus "junk". This is why this place is nuts moving forward on a de-evolution path. Distorted consciousness due to DNA mutation.
There has been no study at all regarding any of what is claimed above. NOTHING. No DNA testing, no study that proves that damage from electro magnetic damage exists and there is no proof in the slightest regarding any more DNA strands.
Believe whatever suits you but this has no scientific proof in any way. So I'm not sure how all of these scientific claims are being made.
This is why when we incarnate here, we don't remember who we are, where we came from, let alone our purpose for being here. We take on the same eletro magnetic mutations of the planet we incarnate on. And those mutations are so severe here that our memory is wiped out and we are ripe for major brainwashing.
Once more this is pure conjecture with NOTHING but opinion to back it up.
Indigos are not here to save anyone or the planet. If you are looking for a savior go look in the are it. By the thoughts you choose and the choices you make.
If they are not here for anything and there is no evidence other then opinion what is left?
Due to the Indigo gene code, they have the capability of running higher interdimensional frequency via their race shield through their physical bodies that 1. bring this healing frequency to this planet 2. they use to heal the mutations that they carry 3. they downstep this frequency to lesser strand life forms so they can assimulate this higher frequency for mutation healing safely 4. they downstep to the planetary shield for electro magnetic healing of the planet and to prevent pole shift and severe earth changes. 5. keep ascension path open to get ourselves and others out of here (evac) Awake Indigos actively participate in all of the above. Sleeping Indigos are participating to some degree whether they know it or not. Even though the word "children" is used, most of the awake Indigos range from the age of 20-65.
How would anybody know this? This is a marketing bonanza that now has over 60 books on regarding the subject but with only self-proclaimed experts on thing that no one can know and expecially with such detail.
The electro-magnetic shield that protects the earth from harmful solar radiation comes is generated from the solid iron core of our planet and has nothing to do with humans other then we need it to survive.
Unfortunately, we are not winning on #4. Due to the electro magnetic mess in this solar system (our planet is not suppose to have a 23 degree tilt FYI) our sun is burning hydrogen at a much faster rate and this is going to increase. This is the real reason for global warming. This will result in: radiation level changes, severe storms, and at some point earth changes and satellite wipe out.
None of this is scientifically confirmed at all. While the sun does go in 11 year cycles in its intensity of solar flares it will take several more billions of years before anything changes that will matter.
If our planet didn't have the tilt it does we simply would not survive either. It is what gives us the season changes and is a fundamental key to our existence. If it didn't exist we would have a very hot region in the equator region and a ice age that would last forever in what is now moderate climates.
There is zero evidence to support any of these claims have anything to do with global warming. I think instead of blaming the sun it might be better to blam the actual human source.
The history of how this happened over the last 480 billion years & who did what & why has been brought to this planet. Our solar system and planet has been harnessed electro magnetically. We are not here to convince anyone of anything. We offer information and healing solutions to become free of this harness to anyone who chooses to listen. We do not violate free will choice and we promote you to become your own authority.
Whoever the author of this post is really needs to learn a great deal more about what we do know about the universe and science before making such dramatic and outrageous claims. The best estimate of the age of our universe is around 14 billions years. Even the most liberal concepts don't even come close to anything like 480 billion years and extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence but this is just too much.
I'm very spiritual and very focused on finding the truth but this is a flat our distortion of anything resembling the truth.
We are all beings of light and sound projecting a hologram. The universe is a very magical place and you are a minature universe.
I saw the movie made about Indigos and read a few books. All done by probably well meaning people. But so far from the truth. If you are truely interested in knowing about the Indigos on the planet and what they are doing and why they are doing it, the information is located @ All race lines are welcome, the load out has begun.
The last thing todays kids need is more ego and this is all that it serves.
If you want to discuss any of this with me you can find me at