Skin WAY worse after 3rd liverflush
hi there! i have severe full body eczema, candida leaky gut and very poor liver function, terrible digestion due to this etc. my diet is ultra clean mostly organic veg, no nghtshades, starchy veg, havnt had gluten
Sugar etc in well over a year.. organic bone broth, and some organic meats - chicken, lamb, turkey.. i take molybdenum, and a high strength probiotic daily. I have tried ALOT of other supplements but have stopped since i think everything is too much for my liver at the moment and it reflects in my skin. I have seen 10 naturopaths, chinese medicine, 6months acupuncture, been hospitalised 3 times it was so bad which made things wayyy worse as i gave in to presnisone, iv
Antibiotics , and methotrexate... immunologist, dermatologist, rhumetologist... NONE have helped at all so im treating my self and see my GP every couple of weeks to tell him what im doing and checks me over bloods etc. I know i have systemic candida, which is the root of my problems, but im also prob Th2 dominant and an under-methylator, but i need to sort my liver fuction digestion candida inflammation first before that. also i was on the contraceptive pill for 10years and stopped taking it 1 year ago and still havnt had a period.. doctors etc have no clue and look at me with a blank face and tell me im a mystery etc bloody hopeless lot. i know liver is responsible for SO much including hormones etc. i have been having really light coloured stools - minimal bile ba digestion, and bubly dark urine or cloudy milky urine also.. so i sone my 3rd
Liver Flush yesterday and got maybe 30 pretty small pea green stones and some small yellow/tan tiny ones, also alot of dark green liquid. Today/overnight my skin is way worse weeping and falling off and all red. I dey skin brush and
Epsom Salt bath twice a day. i also use activated charcoal poultices. i stopped antifungals too as i think that was too much for my liver at the mo. i also have "terrys nails".. i am picking up some serrapeptase to night and some prescript assist probiotics. thanks for reading! iv prob left out a few bits.. any thoghta appreciated!! :)