I'm concerned that a good colonic didn't resolve the problem for you...makes me wonder big clump of stones and/or parasite involvement. Blockage like this also happened to me recently on my last flush... I even thought perhaps that I had a twisted bowel... some feces would come out on every bowel movement, but then suddenly stop before I felt I had a full BM.. this went on for about 4 weeks and then in the middle of the night some pain and the situation spontaneously resolved with a very very large clump of stones coming out hitting the bottom of the toilet. I suspect you may have a large stone or clump of stones sitting there?. also... for me.. has a long standing Ascaris problem which just makes things worse in terms of evacuation. Have you had Ascaris or Ascaris larvae come out in your stools too? Perhaps time to do some parasite cleansing as well?