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Need to cure BV HELP :(
qwerty7586 Views: 2,807
Published: 11 y

Need to cure BV HELP :(

I'm 20, had BV for 7 years, never had sex. I think it was caused by using soaps/harsh chemicals down there. The only symptoms I get is a really strong and strange smell. I'm taking lactobacilius for digestive health tablets orally and folic acid as I read that helps, but that isn't working. Tried organic apple cider vinegar bath, not working. Tried tea tree oil bath, not working. Tried having yoghurt, nope nothing. I bought a douche applicator online but scared to douche, heard it could cause complications. Not sure what to do? Really want to get rid of the smell, I think people can smell me from miles away, so embarrassing!! I read boric acid suppositories can work? How far should these go up "there"?? Because I don't think I'd be able to get it very far! Someone please offer some effective remedies for the odour!!


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