Bloodroot, and it is not a gentle healer, so be very careful with it. I am also rotating with some other things, but bloodroot is the biggest gun in my arsenal. Other effective things are Iodine, SSKI, H202, Colloidal Silver (if there is a viral complication), Clarkia, Herbal Detox by Herb Pharm, Neprinol (diminishes scar tissue) and Diatomaceous Earth. Distilled water fasting with SSKI, Iodine, Pickling Salt… after a small glass of distilled water with 10 drops of food grade 35% H202 first thing in the morning. Specific for brain issues~ Boswellia Serrata, Gingko Biloba, Methylene Blue, Gota Kola, Phosphatydal Choline, in that order. But one man's cure is another man's poison. Start low and slowly build up, listen to your body and don't be afraid to go high. Never give up.