My Chinese Medicine doctor says, if a rash is on your skin it is in your body, it is the body merely reflecting toxicity, everything in the body is interconnected. I took clindamycin for 5 weeks after I stopped it, three weeks later I had side effect the most intense stinging, burning itchy skin. It felt like bugs were biting me it was insane! I went to my rock star doctor and he said, three weeks was long enough for the fungus, candida to overgrow. He prescribed Diflucan I took it for four days the first day all the itching stopped ! I started having dizziness and cramps, fever, I thought it was a serious die off. My doctor told me to stop it was a side effect of medication was to serious but I had enough in my system to stop the itching. I went on Chinese herbs for the fungal infection. For your rash try apple cider vinegar with the bennonite clay create a paste and put in on your rash this draws out the poison. This usually should stop itching right away as well as heal the rash, just spray apple cider vinegar full strength on your body it will burn but it might work, also you might consider dissolving an aspirin in water make a paste and put on the rash this works as well