Re: morgellons
I know this much: Morgellons is for real and people who have it really suffer in many ways. I also know that it can be over come.
The critter that causes it is tiny and an arthropod. Two important things: Once you become susceptible, is produces eggs everywhere and they must be eliminated. The other is that it breathes oxygen so you can drown and suffocate a lot of it.
I knew a lady, E. from NY, who had it and struggled for several years. She finally started using the tub as a battle ground. She filled her tub and put in laundry soap or dish soap. She got in the tub with her zapper pads and stayed as submerged as possible for as long as possible, scrubbing extensively. When she got out, she liberally coated in oils including tea tree oil mixed with vasoline or other oils. She said the soapy water drowned them and the oil helped to keep the new eggs from starting.
She told me that she stopped having any Morgellons outbreaks for about 3 months before she passed from cancer therapy which she was coerced into taking.
She was fine just 2 days before a treatment and then she was not here anymore.
E. was a writer and loved the Village. She is and will be missed. The story of her cancer treatment was one of extreme abuse by the medical profession who extorted her into chemo by refusing to remove her cancer until she took chemo.