So I read this and decided to "come out" as it were. I have been reading these forums for two years to get support and make sure there were others who suffered the way I have. Out of all my education and reading I concluded I have the most advanced case I have heard of and am really surprised to be alive today. and this is my first posting or communication on web. I am isolated in big bear california, usa. my disease has been present about 15 years and is claiming what little there is left of me very quickly. aloha to those that suffer and write, aloha to those t
that give me strength to not die by my own hand. I am walking through some real serious stuff. I stand by each day being consumed by at least 30-50 clonies of various flies, bus, hornet, scabies, botflies, mosquitos, and a host of other critters. I am desensitized to my nightmare and rely on a power other than myself to get through the never ending war to survive to get some relief and face this nightmare head on with no fear.