13 y
Re: Where are all the morgellons sufferers?
We dont drop out of site because no one wants to claim they have this and it is much easier to forget about it and get on with life. First, get house cleaned with heat process as seen on Monsters Inside tv show. Then do dr natura or ARISE and Shine cleanse and
Liver Flushes and diet.
Colloidal Silver also helps.
Put coconut oil mixed with tea tree oil and neem oil and lavender on skin.
Use apple cider vinegar in bath water to relieve itching. Drink lemon water I juice one lemon put in glass of ice water for breakfast each morning. U must get alkaline. I drink one tablespoon of BRAGGS apple cider vinegar in glass of ice water in the afternoon. I use one scoop of GARDEN OF LIFE SUPERFOOD greens in blender with water, ice, one cup frozen blueberries, one frozen bananas (always slice old bananas and put in baggies in freezer for your shake)
and I add one half teaspoon of Premier Research Lab Polar minerals last after blending. YOu can add whatever else you want...oh and I add half a scoop of Vega One nutritional shake....always start out with smaller amounts as you will have healing reactions....I used everything all at once and boy did I pay for it!
I found
colonics and the DR NATURA CLEANSE for three MONTHS THE SINGLE BEST THING TO DO TO GET RID OF IT!~ Also drink KEVITA daily it is delicious go to their website even the PARROT and the kids drink it. It is full of probiotics and tastes great. Start with four
oz and work your way up. Get it at Fresh Market or I think WHole foods has it...If every person drank this instead of soda and crap the world would be a lot healthier. Read about
colonics from Matt Monarch and Angela Stokes Monarch and Donna Gates author of Body Ecology nd get her new book THE BABY BOOMER diet as it has a whole section on the value of colonics....They have changed my life. I read a booklet by a guy that had this and it helped me immensely went thru his experience and he has disappeared from the internet too. he probably had a bad experience...but his is the most scientific explanation as he got tested and went thru hell finding out what this is. Rats, scabies, mold in the home and the fact that all of our immune systems are so toxic that when we get hit with all of these factors our immune system cant handle it. Hope this helps.