Re: Is 5 htp bad for people with low cortisol?
The production of 5HTP naturally can become imbalanced by many factors, and truly i would imagine that supplementing with it can be wonderful for one person (with low cortisol) and terrible for another with the same problem.
Because hormones interact so intrinsically with oneanother, and also affect neurotransmitter levels, we each have varying imbalances, not one person has the same hormonal 'print'.
That's why some of the AF protocols work for one and make another person worse.
All we can do is experiment.
If you were using 5HTP daily in largish doses (anything from 100-300mg a day) there could easily be a counter-action of the body to handle that, which in some could affect cortisol levels.
I've never taken 5htp daily. Just use it to pep me up when the days in my cycle render me a zombie. It's no magic bullet at all. I've never had a problem with dependence or withdrawal from it as i use it so infrequently in small doses.
Once hormones are more balanced, it seems that neurotranmitters find a more natural, better balance.