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Re: Lost in a sea of advice for newly diagnosed Adrenal Fatigue and Leaky Guy Syndrome
fivetoedsloth Views: 4,330
Published: 12 y
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Re: Lost in a sea of advice for newly diagnosed Adrenal Fatigue and Leaky Guy Syndrome

You are going in the right direction, but not there yet - the successful paleolithic diet is high animal fat, moderate protein and low Raw veg.
I found pemmican to be the only way I could tolerate enough fat (butter, for lack of pure fat).
Supplement with the Iodine protocol (search for the FAQ here //,
or ask) for the missing nutrients, detox of modern poison due to modern farming methods and pollution.

I have to do all raw, and less than 5 grams of carbs/day. You might not find this necessary.

It worked for me for the chronic and incurable diseases of aging, first a dreadful heart arrhythmia.

I tried the pills and potions of alternate medicine and allopathic. They did no good.

Good luck!



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