For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.
my thought, if you permit, about this, well I try, - desires have to come in thoughts first and that is in someway materialistic form to commit that desire so it is not the flesh the sinn but thought of it to make it comfortable because it angers oneself, the flesh. if someone is against the flesh then it gives you sinful thoughts to satisfy it and all the means of material to free it and then have the spirit free from it. God is first then the flesh is his and no duality but we are forced to sin for material and money and the knowledge to them but not to satisfy the flesh as God would and leave the spirit alone overwhelming in us as Glory and gratitude to his work for us. we are greedy and hungry in thought but not in flesh. we have to think very clear about this then we make peace with God in God and His creation and that is us his fruit and not our fruit so much dear that is never to satisfy. desire can can for lack of respect to live for those who want to live, be it a human or man or animal or anything that moves. just a cent of thought for you.