Re: Neurological damage after using zapper.
Hi winnie-100,
I agree that it seems unusual that 1 session using the terminator would cause such damage. The amount of current applied through the small contacts would be minimal. However, I also perceive the possibility that someone might have a variation from most other people in that perhaps a neural ganglion may have been right at the surface where one of the electrodes was placed. Even then, I just do not see so much damage occurring. There must have been something else factoring in.
Most users of the Terminator do wear it for an hour or longer at a time and there are rarely any reported problems other then skin burns for the small contacts.
Using the Z4EX might have a different effect, due to the larger contacts but I do not think that this is significant either. I suspect that there has been well over 100 thousand Terminators and clones sold.
ParaZapper has 5 models of zappers that have a Don Croft 15 Hz mode, CC1, CC2, UZI, UZI-2, and UZI-3 all provide a 15 Hz mode and at higher power then the Z4EX. We have had customers comment that it "feels really strong" and that is normal because the nerves and muscles are more sensitive to lower frequencies.
The one consideration that I think is important. When zapping, do not power the zapper with a wall adapter. These adapters can supply far more power than would be considered safe and are certainly more likely to cause harm than a 9 volt battery.