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agt1 Views: 1,797
Published: 12 y


Ok so by now most everyone has read over my synopsis. I don't know what to do.Does anyone know of a good MD that I can talk to I have seen nearly 40 and a few of them were naturopaths as well.It is very hard to diagnose these things as of the over 1,000 varieties of parasites there are only tests for approximately 50.I have had people call the police on me and have me committed, talk about a nightmare. I just want the misery and suffering to stop and to either find a name for the parasite or the right medication/treatment. It acts like Strongyloides as well as Trichinosis and has invaded my entire body. Only Mebe3ndazole showed promise but I also took an herbal antiparasitic at the same time.Sooner rather then later this will cause a system failure in my body and kill me.My skin is already flaking and my body is swollen, my facial features are distorted.Thank you for reading this.


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