Candida & Candidiasis - MY EXPERIENCE (what did not work)
Hello everyone,
In the last 3 years I tried many things to get rid off candida. There are many websites and articles on this subject. Their authors (doctors, diet-gurus, and all kind of "experts") have good intentions, they try to help you (and to sell their products). Unfortunately many of the theories and suggestions are contradictory. For example one expert recommends raw organic fruits and veggies, and fermented food, while other suggests avoiding them. One recommends drugs, while other warns you of their dangerous side effects.
It is so confusing. The experimentation with different things cost a lot of money.
During the last three years I have tried all the supplements, foods, drugs, you name it,
listed below. Some I thought helped me a little bit for a short time, while other caused problems.
Again, this is not my opinion about the products. This is description of my experience with these products. I am sure for many people they worked better than for me. Maybe my candida is more stubborn than yours, I don't really know.
Although they caused no flares ups, in general my candida was getting stronger, and not weaker :-( By the way, raw fruits were MY ALL-TIME FAVORITE foods. I could eat them two times a day. And I ate a lot of them.
All fermented foods caused me problems:
- kombucha (massive flare ups !)
- yogurt, organic, pasteurized (flare ups)
- kefir, organic, pasteurized (flare ups)
- natto (flare ups)
- pickles (flare ups)
- sauerkraut (flare ups)
- chicken (worsening, but no flare ups)
- chicken broth (flare ups)
- milk, pasteurized (flare ups, plus a lot of mucus)
- milk, raw, straight from the farmer (no good, and no bad, just neutral)
- nuts (flare ups)
- pork (flare ups)
- shellfish (worsening)
- ThreeLac (besides constipation nothing else happened)
- FiveLac (no negative reation, and no positives, better than ThreeLac though
- because no problems with constipation)
- Candizime (see above)
- Candex (see above)
- CandiGone (see above)
- arsenicum album (no results)
- belladonna (no results)
- chamomilla (no results)
- caprylic acid (no results)
- cayenne pepper (no results)
- echinacea (no results)
- flaxseeds (no results)
- garlic (no results)
- ginger (no results)
- guar gum (no results)
- honey raw, natural (flare ups)
- lactobacillus and bifidus probiotic supplements (no results)
- mapple syrup (massive flare ups !)
- oleic acid (no results)
- oregano oil (no results)
- pau d'arco (short term slight improvement)
- peppermint oil (no results)
- propolis (flare ups)
- psyllium husks (no results)
- slippery elm (short term slight improvement)
- tea tree oil (no results)
- tumeric (no results)
- zinc (no results)
In my next post I will write about what actually helped me. But it will be much shorter post.
English is not my primary language.
Sorry for any errors and misunderstendings.
It took me several hours to compose this message.