Re: Flavor Enhancer MSG Added to Flu Shot
I am playing with the bicarbonate salts and your IMAM idea at present - and it seems to be working very well for me.
though I use whole citrus juices from my trees at other times - I do not combine the bicarbonate salts with the citrus... yet.
lemon/lime juice in water with meals.
that is not to say I do not use whole salt on my foods on occasion, however, my desire for it is greatly diminished and I am using considerably less since the Na and K bicarb use... no *salt* is used in my food prep.
I would not go over board though on the use of either one... just because you feel better on it at x dose, does not imply that more is better... in addition, once one reaches a point of diminishing returns, reducing the dose is indicated.
One does have to be aware of the body and its responses though to these things... unless they have the means and/or money to monitor/test themselves.
sodium and bicarbonate both acts as mineral transporters...
Ted at EC along with Dr. Sircus and others have articles about bicarbonate deficiencies... I most likely induced mine experimenting with the HCL.
I have read articles written by individuals who use both HCL and bicarb. HCL with meals and bicarb an hour or two after. It does not take much - 1/4 teaspoon in 16 ounces of water. mix 50/50 with K bicarb (or another ratio as desired/needed) if you worry about too much sodium... I think 300mg in a 1/4 teaspoon is all.
not much when eating a whole food diet and staying away from the processed stuff.
which deserves a mention because when we move away from processed foods, the sodium chloride intake drops off greatly unless you add it.