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The answer to your questions is very simple, learn from a fly ...
White Shark Views: 1,626
Published: 12 y
This is a reply to # 2,122,223

The answer to your questions is very simple, learn from a fly ...

I understand that you are lookig for sympathy, for someone who understands you, and who is just like you, ready to complain for years about ignorant doctors, and ready to blame everyone else but yourself.

Sorry, I just happen to be a wrong person to complain to.

The answer to your questions is very simple, you are looking for an anwer on the wrong side of the "room".

Have you ever seen a fly flying in a room, banking its head and its body against a closed window, agan and again for hours ... while on a different wall in the same room there is a wide open wondow ... and the fly is never trying to fly through that open window.

You, and perhaps many other people on this forum, are just like that fly.
All you need to do is try to look at the other side of the room. Try to look at the other window.
The other side of the room is called "Home Therapy", or Home Remedies or lifestyle change.

I will give you a few hints, few open windows, therapies and lifestyle changes you can do at your home without help of a closed window (an ignorant doctor):

- Rotation-Elimination Diet
- Yoghurt Enema
- Fecal Enema - fecal flora replacement
- liver flush

and a few things that you may need a differnt kind of doctor:
- Amalgam removal
- cavitations surgery

Each and every one of those windows are explained in details on this website, and there are actually forums dedicated to each and every one of the therapies/remedies.

Except for dental work, no one of those home therpies require a doctor, all that is required is an open window and an open mind.

Learn from a fly!



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