Attention Bodybuilding Mold Illness Victims! (Or those who are just curious...)
Hi everyone. I am feeling very alone on this topic because I can't see to find anyone else out there who has Mold Illness and is a bodybuilder. In order to build muscle you need carbs. Everyone thinks it's so great to eat just meat and veggies with our sickness, but it's not! Your muscles go flat and you become tired!!!
First of all, meat and chicken are too much for my system anyway. I am ok with fish and green veggies. I live on whey protein powder (I think I'd die without it ). But what can I eat post workout other than raspberries? At the moment, they are the only thing not causing inflammation, but fruit is not the best thing for getting lean. I was having organic white rice at one point (and feeling lean the day after), but now I feel bloated for days after having a tbsp of it!
Now look, I know I should be grateful for not being overweight like some victims, but I train so hard. I just need a carb with moderate glycemic and no sugar. Here is what is NOT working for me...
Brown/white rice (even organic)
All oats
Sweet potato/yam
Glucose tabs in combo with cyclic dextrin (sounds like a duh, but they worked at one point - maybe cause they're gluten free and have no mold)
Maybe someone knows a product on the market that can help. Whole food is usually superior, but something man made can prevent mycotoxin contamination.
I understand most food won't cooperate until the fungal infection is gone, but I just won't give up on finding something that will help me hold onto the precious muscle I have left for now. If anyone has any recommendations for treatment, you are welcome to suggest that as well.