Re: Very sick, no answers, please help
Hi Jessica,
You are most welcome.
Dr. Cathcart wrote many times that the biggest single problem with people testing the efficacy of ascorbate was dosage size, i.e. not enough [per 24 hours].
As an example, if a doctor prescribed an
Antibiotic to a patient, it would include both a dosage amount, and a dosage frequency [of administration]. If the patient decided to ingest only one-half of the prescribed amount, and/or only one-half of the prescribed frequency [of dosing], and then did not get good results [or the results they were hoping for], could we honestly say that the prescribed
Antibiotic was proved of no [or little] worth?
In this regard, Dr. Cathcart also wrote that unless the [ascorbate] dosage approached the Bowel Tolerance limit of the patient, they rarely saw good results. I myself have ingested a Bowel Tolerance dose of ascorbic acid everyday for the past 19 years, with nothing but the very best of health to show for it. I encourage you, Jessica, to explore and experiment with this most beneficial of antioxidants.
I wish you the best of success in solving your health problems!