Re: Adrenal Fatigue Unusual Symptoms?
Perhaps the Klonopin caused a neurotransmitter sensitivity which was giving you such wild swings. As with all the class of Benzo's and SSRI's neurotranmitter receptors will eventually down-grade to cope with the onslaught of excessive activity. That's why many MD's will say 'Give them 4 weeks to work' when you go back to them in week 2 saying you're feeling worse!
These drugs were only ever intended when introduced and trialed to be used for a few weeks. There were no long-term trials ever done before they were introduced to the pharma market.
Now we have GP's prescribing them to people year in, year out.
That would be okay if they worked long-term and didn't create such huge dependence and even more severe neurotransmitter imbalances than the person already had.
So go slowly with them and try to taper from them before dependence sets-in. I'm not judging your decision to take them, truly i know the depths of hell that panic and anxiety create in life, and i almost took them myself while knowing physiologically how detrimental they are in the long-term.
Anxiety and panic are becoming more common, in all age groups. From all the info i've absorbed about causations, it seems there are MANY, and we all individually have to find out what is causing it for US personally. Many people recommend lots of things, and it's easy to spend serious money on supplements that have no effect whatsoever.
Imbalances of vitamins/minerals/hormones/methylation system/neurotransmitters can create anxiety. All of these body systems are controlled enzymatically by our individual genetics, where mutations at this levels affect the synthesis of all mentioned above.
Even unknown blood
Sugar issues, lung problems, heart problems can cause anxiety as the 'fight flight' system is activated when the body experiences 'illness' stress.
Knowing what is causing your symptoms will help in the long-run so you can treat the cause, and the dependence on drugs to treat symptoms are no longer needed. It's a hard path but it's worth it.
Vitamin C increases Dopamine, the pleasure/reward neurotransmitter, so perhaps with the combo of new Benzo therapy coupled with Lam C dosing is creating the unusual 'highs' you've experienced.