For ascaris, Madagascar cloves works very well. Bloodroot capsules help as well. I take both concurrently along with my round of mebendazole and quinfamida. It's smarter to rotate thru all three but I'm at the point where I tired of waiting for something to work. Plus, it was way too long for me to even begin treating the Ascaris infection with meds. So, I would recommend try the Madagascar cloves. You can buy them from many suppliers on amazon. You can add bromelain and papain. Bloodroot capsules help. I don't know if it irritates the stomach or not. I think the cloves are safer than the bloodroot. Anything in large doses is bad. Then see if you can rotate thru a round of mebendazole and quinfamida or simply mebendazole. Stick with this treatment for a couple of weeks. Most of my Ascaris are outside of the digestive tract. But, I have noticed a lot of improvement taking these herbs and medicine.