Re: low stomach acid cause?
While you were taking the Methyl B12 you probably did. However the stomach problem may of already been there and unless you were getting everything necessary it might not of been enough to correct the problem. B12 seems to me to be an inbuilt system of degradation in humans, from which it is very difficult to recover.
I have blue eyes and came across iridology many years ago, approx 18 years back. My irises are linen structure which is fairly common and they show a lot of detail and being blue it is very easy to see.
My irises show a grey marking around the pupil which is where the stomach zone is located. Grey means reduced function, it's where the iris fibres have begun to disappear revealing lower levels of the iris. This gives a very good indication of a problem and I do have achlorhydria, belching etc.
Since the beginning of this year I began eating VCO, I love the stuff and eat some from the spoon. I tend to be drawn to stuff that my body needs even when I don't know why at the time. My iris now shows a lightening of the fibres in the stomach zone, especially in the areas reflexed to the small intestine where VCO is absorbed. Therefore it looks like VCO has benefited my nervous system and improved the nervous system in my stomach to some degree. Not enough to restore acid production yet. That is why I am taking Methyl B12 because I hope it will assist the healing of my nervous system. Also Dr Campbell McBride does mention the importance of Saturated fats to the nervous system. She doesn't like vit & Min supplements and claims that they are poorly absorbed, however I think that is not entirely true, especially of Methyl B12. Her diet takes a very long time to get results and I do not have that amount of time so need everything that can speed things up.
The GAPS diet is quite well planned and it is designed to restore normal function of the digestive system. First there is a section which eliminates complex carbs and fibre to starve the bacteria in the stomach and small intestine. That should prevent them from fermenting and begin to kill them off. However my bowel function is so slow, I have nerve rings in both the ascending and descending colons which reduce nerve impulses to my bowel and dramatically slows my bowel function. My bowel needs fibre in order to function and I become terribly constipated if I cut out fibre. I tried it earlier this year, cut out carbs entirely and it was like crapping cricket balls. That is why I am unable to do the GAPS diet in full and require a different way to destroy the bacteria which cause the gas/bloating that have become resident in my stomach/small intestine.
I think that you will find that there is no way round HCL supplementation, Dr Campbell McBride recommends it in her book. Methyl B12 might help speed things up, at least that is my hope. I am about to begin the Beef Soup stock in order to supply what is needed to heal. I didn't get to the butchers on Thursday so I intend going on Friday.