You are not alone. We are here to help you.
Please look at my pages as I have written much info and I dont want to double up.
If you do order RX, I just ordered from AllDayChemist, it is located in India (DO NOT USE CREDIT CARD) A gift card would be best as some have said they sell your Credit Card info. Not sure how long it will take for the meds to come but look at my postings and see if there is anything you like.
You might want to get on ozonated hemp seed oil. it is really strong and helped brandileggs with her brain parasites, 90% were removed. This is all I know about it. I will post as I go along.
Also, Collodial Silver. Found this and its not too expensive.
I am going to order this next week. I did buy SOVEREIGN SILVER today and felt results immediately. Read what CS can do, its amazing. We all should be on this every day.
Stay strong and remain calm and at peace.