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Re: false assumptions or lies ?

Clarkia Parasites Tincture
Hulda Clark Parasites Tinctures

Clarkia Parasites Tincture
Hulda Clark Parasites Tinctures

parazapper Views: 4,278
Published: 12 y
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Re: false assumptions or lies ?

I appreciate what you are saying, having been a biologist and a chemist for many years, I am familiar with the requirements of the scientific community. I for one do not wish to become an Ignaz Semmelweis or a Royal Rife. All the proof in the world can not quell the forces of greed or protectionism.

>- however, without publishing or at least, "making public" these studies with clear and accurate statistical and mathematical testing parameters, no one can ever speak

Sorry, publishing such claims carries a legal burden. Look at what happened to the Cranberry Growers Association. Look at what happened to the Cherry growers, look at what happened to the walnut industry. Each of these was threatened with legal action, including having their products classified as prescription only, just for telling the truth.

The FDA requires that once a scientific study is published, then that product becomes a ;DRUG' or a 'medical device' and is entirely under the domain of the FDA.

Therefore, what I claim is made under the first Amendment rights of the U.S. Constitution and is made with disclaimer and caveat.

The only claim that I publish is that ParaZapper successfully kills microbes in water. I only report anecdotal materials as "Right to know" information under the framework of open debate and discussion as well as to support those who have questions and concerns.

>- You must perform rigorous hypothesis testing before you can say with any accuracy (especially when you are talking between 90% to 99%) that your claim is true.

Again, this immediately makes the zapper a "Medical Device" which immediately denies public access and makes it a 'prescription only device', which is exactly what they want.

ParaZapper is a water treatment device for water 'not intended for consumption by humans or animals', that any individual can buy and use as they wish, "off label" such as a sewing needle for opening boils or a Popsicle stick as a tongue depressor, a mustard patch in place of medicated gauze pads.

>- If the zappers were completely benign to the human host then there would be no issue in simply "trying it".

We have sold between 30,000 and 40,000 units since 2001 and according to the FDA, they can not find any record of any incident from using any ParaZapper product. According to our attorney, Ralph Fucetola, "I am aware of your FIOA request to FDA a couple years ago that showed no complaints on record with FDA and I understand that you have received no notices of complaints since then."

If you use reasonable caution and follow reasonable instructions, then injury from zapping is not likely. Good instructions are available at

If you do not wish to try one, I am fine with that. However, there are people who have a serious need for help that they can not get else where. If we were receiving a lot of returns because customers did not like it, we would be broke and out of business, especially with the low profit margins that we make. Returns are rare because, while it is not perfect, it is the best that is available and customers like it. Our return policy is very straight forward and fair.

The worst problem that we have is keeping up with orders. We are currently running 3 to 6 days to ship and as we get closer to Christmas, it gets longer.



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