Re: false assumptions or lies ?
Obviously not a zapper fan
I am a zapper fan. I think it is a promising technology but it is far from being efficient enough to damage/kill multi cells organisms (like helminths) in all parts of the body.
I continue to make new experiments with custom made electrisation devices and i hope to find a way to produce more die off.
What i don't like is when Parazapper claims or suggests that his zappers manage to kill helminths in all parts of the body. His zappers are not magic or better than the others, even if he claims so. In reality the factors he considers important for a zapper to be good or bad come from his own imagination. There is no reasonable explanations or proofs of what is important or not in an electric signal to produce die off and why it happens. Even
Hulda Clark s has not explained it and has had difficulties to reproduce it.
Maybe an electric signal with a specific frequency and a high enough intensity can damage/kill some cells of an helminth and consequently produce die off.
Maybe an electric signal with a specific frequency and a high enough intensity can stun/paralyze/disturb helminths and then the cells of the immune system can detect them and attack them with chemicals weapons.
Maybe an electric signal with a specific frequency and a high enough intensity can awake/stimulate/energize the cells of the immune system and then they have enough energy and resources to fight against these though invaders.
I don't know, and the results i have had from the different experiments that i have done are inconsistent. It seems that it is possible to produce some die off but not in all parts of the body and not against all kinds or "stages" of worms. The adult ones seems more resistant.
The other problem is how to have the electric signal reach all parts of the body with a high enough intensity. Because else some helminths may move to parts of the body where there is less conductivity (= more resistance) like the brain, the sinuses, the digestive tube, the lungs and all others empty areas, which can be worse...