Hello - I've posted about my chemical sensitivy which has led to a food/med/herb intolerance and loss of weight over the past couple of wks.
My nutritionist had several tests run including GI stool test, cortisol saliva and blood. I'm pending some results, but so far my blood results are all within normal range, including liver enzymes and thyroid; thyroid #s are:
T4 total- 7.6
T4, free - 1.1
T3, free 2.8
T3 reverse - 13
Iodine (urine) is 90 in range of 34 - 523. My potassium and sodium are within the normal range, on the higher end. Blood Sugar is normal, around 90.
However, I do have h. pylori and I suspect candida (but pending results).
Do any of these numbers suggest thyroid or adrenal issues?